We provide advice and immunisations to help keep you healthy when travelling abroad.
We do not prescribe diazepam for travel.
Some resources to help you with travelling:
- https://fearlessflyer.easyjet.com/
- http://www.flyingwithoutfear.com/
- http://flyingwithconfidence.com/
Travel vaccination charges
Some vaccinations recommended for travelling abroad may be provided free of charge as part of the NHS General Medical Service. Some, however, are not.
Whilst we are able to provide many of your vaccination needs, we may need to charge for those we cannot claim for under the NHS guidelines. Please seek advice from the Practice Nurse to find out which may be chargeable.
The following travel vaccines are available free on the NHS
- Polio (given as a combined diphtheria/ tetanus/ polio jab)
- Typhoid
- Hepatitis A
- Cholera
These vaccines are free because they protect against diseases thought to represent the greatest risk to public health if they were brought into the country.
You will have to pay for travel vaccinations against:
Hepatitis B
Japanese encephalitis
Meningitis vaccines
Tick-borne encephalitis
Yellow fever – these are only available from designated centres
The cost of travel vaccines that are not available on the NHS will vary, depending on the vaccine and number of doses you need. All private vaccinations will need to be paid for a tt he time of checking in for your vaccination appointment. Please note, we no longer accept cheques.
Meningitis ACWY
Rabies (course of three, per dose)
Hepatitis B (per dose)
Paediatric Hepatitis B (per dose)
Japanese Encephalitis
Tick Borne Encephalitis
Private prescription fee
Travel advice resources
Availability of clinics
Sometimes we’re unable to offer an appointment in-time for your travels. The following services also provide travel clinics: