Social Prescribing
As many as 1 in 4 GP appointments are due to a non-medical problem.
While a GP may know of some local support services, there are many more services that we aren’t aware of that can help. It’s for this reason we’ve introduced a new role in the practice: Clinical Care Co-Ordinator.
Sarah Bolton has taken on this role to help support patients and their carers. The following are just some of the areas Sarah can help with:
- Struggling to manage with chronic disease (e.g. Asthma, COPD, Diabetes)?
- Poor mobility
- Struggling with personal care (e.g. bathing, getting dressed)
- Would benefit from aids such as grab rails, raised toilet seats, bath bar, etc
- Struggle with cooking or shopping
- Recent fall
- Your or your carer are struggling
- Worried about your memory
- Worried about your finances
- Bereavement support
- Feeling isolated, vulnerable, or lonely
- Want to get out more
We’re also working with Live Well Wakefield and Spectrum People who have expert knowledge in the vast range of local and district wide support services and social groups.
If you would like help, please speak to Mandy on 01924 223 909.
If you look after someone or provide unpaid support to a relative or friend who could not manage without your help, then you are a carer.
The practice is keen to identify carers so we can support you and provide flexibility when you are dealing with the Practice wherever possible, e.g. for appointments, advice, medication, etc.
If you are a carer, please let Sarah Bolton, our Care Co-ordinator, know.
We can also help you get in touch with the carers association who can can offer you a carer’s assessment and link you into advice and support that is available for you as a carer in our area.