Practice Policies & Patient Information
Access policy
We are committed to the dignity and privacy of all patients. Chaperones are trained members of staff. If you wish for a chaperone to be present during your consultation, including if you’re going to be examined, it is your right to request for one.
Sometimes we don’t quite deliver the care or service you are entitled to. It is your right to make a complaint.
In the first instance, we recommend trying to resolve the problem with the person to whom you’re speaking. This is usually the fastest way of resolving an issue. However, if you feel you need to speak to someone else about the issue, then please ask to speak to their line manager.
You also have the right to make a formal written complaint, download our complaints leaflet.
CQC Rating
King’s Medical Practice
Data sharing
ACR project for patients with diabetes
A programme sponsored by NHS Digital to monitor urine albumin:creatinine ratio (ACR) annually for patients with diabetes. This enables patients with diabetes to test their kidney function from home. We will share your contact details with to enable them to contact you and confirm that you wish them to send you a test kit. This will help identify patients at risk of kidney disease and help us agree any early interventions that can be put in place for the benefit of your care. If you do not wish to take part in the service, you have the opportunity to decline when contact you. If you do not wish to receive any further information from then they will delete any data that they hold about you and we will continue to manage your care within the Practice.
Read the NHS Website for more information.
Type 1 Opt-Out (click to download the form)
Choose if your confidential information is shared with other organisations for purposes other than individual care, e.g. for healthcare planning, research, commissioning services, commercial, or political uses.To prevent any of your data being extracted, you will need to complete the form and return to us by the 1st September 2021. Forms returned after this date may mean your data is extracted for use by NHS Digital. If this is the case, please follow the National Data Opt-Out below.
National Data Opt-Out (click to visit)
Click the link above to learn more about how your data is used by the NHS and your options. Alternatively, download the form and return to NHS Digital to opt-out/in.
GP average earnings
All GP practices are required to declare the mean earnings (average pay) for GPs working to deliver NHS services to patients at each practice.
The average pay for GPs working in King’s Medical Practice in the last financial year was £67,922 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 3 full time GPs and 9 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.
Privacy Notice
What data we process about you and your rights.
Rights and responsibilities
You have the right to:
- Use the services Provided by the Practice.
- To complain if you feel you are not receiving satisfactor service from the Practice.
- To see a GP of your choice (you may not be able to see the GP of your choice immediately).
You are responsible for:
- Treating all members of staff in a reasonable and courteous manner.
- Making every effort to be punctual for your appointment.
- Giving adequate notice of cancelling your appointment.
- Infoming us of any changes to your contact details.
- Appropriately using the services provided by the Practice.
- Ensuring your family is fully immunised.
Social Media Policy
Many social media platforms are available and we are aware that some people may choose to use these platforms to air their views about the practice.We welcome all feedback, positive and negative, as it gives the opportunity to review the services we provide and where necessary make changes or improvements. However we would ask that rather than posting about the practice or any of our staff on social media that you bring any issues to our attention using the following means and give us the chance to respond.
- In writing, either by letter or e-mail to
- You can visit the NHS Website and leave a star rating and comment
If any offensive social media posts are brought to our attention, we may contact the patient/s involved and invite them to have a face to face discussion about the issues they may have. However dependent upon on the content of the post, it may be viewed as a potential breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship and could result in you being removed from our practice list. Legal advice may be sought if someone is found to have made libelous or defamatory comments about the surgery or a member of staff.Staff members should also not be contacted directly using social media platforms.King’s Medical Practice has a duty to maintain patient confidentiality and to safeguard vulnerable patients. You can help us to achieve this by adhering to the following code of conduct at all times:
- The practice requires all users of portable devices to use them in a courteous and considerate manner and respecting their fellow patients.
- Portable devices should ideally not be used during consultations and if they are used then any staff involved should be aware.
- Patients are not permitted to take photographs in the waiting room or areas where other patients are present, nor are photographs of staff permitted.
Zero Tolerance
We operate a zero tolerance policy. This means we do not tolerate any abusive, aggressive, or violent behaviour towards any of our staff, patients, or visitors. Any person violating this policy will be removed from the Practice and the Police may be informed.