You can view your test results easily and quickly if you are registered for online services.
We can also advise actions regarding your result via SMS message. We will only do this if we have an up-to-date contact number. Please notify the Practice if you wish us to contact you about results in this way.
Alternatively, phone us on 01924 223 909.
Although most results take less than a week to be reported back to the Practice, some take longer than others to be reported back to the Practice for the GPs to check.
Hospital tests
Any tests ordered by the Hospital will go back to the hospital. Please contact the secretary of the consultant who you are seeing for your results.
Smear tests
Please remember to book an appointment for your smear test when you receive your letter invite from the screening programme. If you have not received your invite letter, we will not be able to do the test as it will be rejected by the laboratory.
You will be informed of your smear result by post directly from the screening programme. The usual waiting time for smear results is up to 2 weeks.